
How did this particular assortment of stuff happen to come together? Each photograph tells a story through the chance arrangement of accumulated objects left by human activity over a period of time. I find these small tableaux appealing. Maybe they tell a unified story of a family's activity; other times it's a curiosity: how did this odd collection of stuff all end up here? While these collections have a feeling of being deliberately arranged, they are clearly not.

Broken Picket Fence
Wooden Sculpture
Old Wheelbarrow
Trees and Concrete Rubble
Concrete Blocks at Fence
Wooden Flower
Wooden Sculpture
Tree Root Behind Building
Dead Palm Frond
Small Yellow Curb
Bollard With Chains
Cemetery Flag
Rusty Fence and Garden
Coral Stones on Stump
Fence with Rusted Iron
Sand Piles and Pavers